ECU@AGU2020 – Check out the talks!
Congratulations to the ECU authors who are contributing presentations at the annual meeting of the American Geophysical Union this month! The conference will be held online this year, so it...
Congratulations to the ECU authors who are contributing presentations at the annual meeting of the American Geophysical Union this month! The conference will be held online this year, so it...
Interested in learning about water challenges faced by communities? Join Dr. O'Driscoll in GEOL3500 to take a hands-on approach to learning about how water moves in the environment, the effects...
Dr. Beth Bee (Dept. of Geography, Environment, and Planning) shares a film from friends and colleagues of ECU in the Department of Environmental Geography at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de...
Interested in water, people, and the environment? Please join us for an informational meeting on Pirates on Water, a new ECU student organization focused on water resources! Our virtual kickoff...